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Trigger Point Therapy at
Gulotta Chiropractic and Wellness Center

The main purpose of Trigger Point Therapy is to reduce the pain that results from hypersensitive muscles. To identify trigger points your chiropractor will gently press on the surface of the skin, feeling the texture of the underlying muscle.

Though trigger point injections are not technically considered regenerative medicine, they are another medical treatment our nurse practitioner applies.

Trigger point therapy is a good treatment for patients who may suffer from chronic spasms and tightness in their muscles. The application of TPT targets the muscle knots to help relieve and reduce some of the pain and tension that exists.

Enhance Your Care Plan

Trigger Point Therapy can significantly enhance your chiropractic treatment plan. While it involves injections, there’s no need to worry. We’ll guide you through each step during your appointment and are always available to answer any questions.

For more information about Trigger Point Therapy or to schedule a consultation, contact Gulotta Chiropractic and Wellness Center today.


Trigger Point Therapy Lake Como, Belmar, Spring Lake NJ | (732) 681-2200